Know perfume / fragrance

Written By charis on Saturday, October 29, 2011 | 9:27 PM

Know perfume / fragrance
In interacting with others is important for us to keep the body does not issue a pleasant aroma. Especially with women, they are very sensitive to scents, and women like men who smell because it means the man's respect for himself. That is why in this article I discuss the info related to fragrance / perfume, as to your knowledge or to refresh back to you have already known.

Fragrance or perfume composed of several types based on the amount or concentration of a mixture of oil and water. Mixture or concentration affects the resistance of perfume. The higher the concentration of a perfume, the scent is long and the less you need to use

    Pure Perfume: It is pure perfume, with the highest concentration compared to the other. Usually we call it the seeds of perfume. Pure perfume is rarely found in the free market. The aroma can last more than 6 hours
    Eau de Perfume (EDP): The second type which has a concentration less compared to pure perfume. Perfume EDP type is usually a lot for women, for men rarely. The price is usually expensive because a lot of oil concentration (8-15%). EDP ​​has a resistance of approximately 4-6 hours aroma.
    Eau de Toilette (EDT): Perfume / fragrance for men is usually this type. Oil concentration of about 40-10% less when compared to EDP, and the scent can last 3-4 hours.
    Eau de Cologne: This is the last type of perfume with the lowest concentration of about 2-5%, most often be found in fragrance products for women. The aroma can last up to 3 hours.

Perfume has 3 layers of aroma based on evaporation rate, each layer is made with extreme caution by the experts.

    Top Notes: This is the upper layer of the scent, the scent of a perfume smell when sprayed, consisting of small molecules, light that can easily evaporate
    Middle Notes: the smell of the middle layer, the smell that comes after the aroma of top notes evaporate, usually after 15 minutes to 1 hour. This scent will gradually merge with the skin and the longer it will soften.
    Base Notes: Layers basic aroma is rich with the scent molecules are the largest and longest evaporation. This scent will be mixed with the aroma of middle notes are fused in the skin which form the main fragrance of a perfume.

The smell of the upper and middle layer is influenced by the aroma of the base layer, and the aroma of the base layer will be influenced by the type of materials used on the middle layer.

In another article, I will discuss later these tips about perfume

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